From Spuds to Success: Meet Micheal Wahome, our Mashujaa Hero

3 min readOct 20, 2023


Mashujaa Day is all about celebrating the everyday heroes of Kenya. (“Mashujaa” is Swahili for “heroes.”) It’s a day that salutes the spirit of resilience that resides within the hearts of the Kenyan people, and their courage to conquer challenges to create a brighter future.

Today, we are proud to celebrate one of Jia’s Mashujaa marvels — Mr. Micheal Wahome, fondly known as Wahome.

Micheal Wahome sells beetroots, potatoes and other vegetables. His entrepreneurial spirit makes him our Mashujaa hero.

Wahome’s journey kicks off in Nairobi, a city brimming with dreams and opportunities.

Wahome made his way here from his rural village in Nyahururu back in January 2015, all thanks to a friend’s invitation. Little did he know, his story would become an inspiration, not just for us at Jia, but for everyone striving to make it in the world of entrepreneurship.

When he landed in Nairobi, life was far from easy for Wahome. He needed a job pronto to make ends meet. His first gig was at Wakulima Market, where he sold paw paws. But the Ksh 250 (about $1.67) daily wage barely made ends meet. The humble potato, as it turns out, held the key to Wahome’s success, as his journey would reveal.

He later switched to another job — carrying luggage around town, helping travelers and stocking businesses. He’d either carry it on his back or use a mkokoteni (a trolley) when the load got too heavy. But months down the line, those long hours took their toll as he developed debilitating back pains.

But Wahome didn’t let this break his spirit. He saved every penny he could, even if it was just Ksh 50 or 100 at a time to eventually build a brighter future. His total savings amounted to Ksh 20,000, which he used to kickstart his own business by investing in potatoes.

He had a knack for turning humble spuds into a thriving business, embodying the spirit of a true Mashujaa — resilient, determined, and always ready to adapt.

One fine day, he crossed paths with a team from SasaPay, a mobile money transfer platform, which changed his life. He joined SasaPay because of its low transaction costs. He started depositing money into his SasaPay account and sending cash to farmers through the platform. It was this introduction that led him to Jia, a financing company that had partnered with SasaPay to offer low-interest loans to their customers. Wahome was approved for a credit limit of Ksh 7,000 (about $50), and he put this money to work for his business expenses. Jia’s pocket-friendly interest rates made it easier for him to repay the loan.

In his own words, Wahome says, “Jia came through for me during my hardest moments, and I can now stand on my feet.” Now he sells a wide range of farm fresh vegetables, having grown beyond simple spuds.

On this Mashujaa Day, we proudly celebrate Wahome, a true hero in Nairobi’s entrepreneurial landscape. His journey from being a potato seller to a thriving small business owner is a testament to the potential that lies within every aspiring entrepreneur. It underscores the impact of accessible financial resources and the support of organizations like Jia.

We hope Wahome’s story inspires others to chase their dreams, take leaps of faith, and build a brighter future. At Jia, we’re committed to supporting individuals like Wahome on their journey to heroism, one step at a time. Happy Mashujaa Day! 🇰🇪🚀




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